One day this month, Maria and I took the kids on a walk on the canal to feed the ducks. It was their first time to do this! They absolutely loved it!
Last night as the kids were being put to bed I took some cute shots of them.
Here's my skinny, sweet and sassy Brynlee before bed. Brynlee is such a sweet little cuddler. She wants me to constantly hold her and says often "hold you". It's very endearing, but tough when I have three other kids to tend to. I've always said that Brynlee has the toughest time being a quadruplet. Brynlee loves to sing and speaks so well and remembers the words to many songs. It's so cute to hear her singing in her crib many songs. Some of her favorite songs are: the Barny "I Love You" song, "It's More Fun to Share" and "Nap Time" from Yo Gabba Gabba, the colors song, the clean up song, etc. She just loves to sing and has such a good memory. Brynlee is a very smart girl! Unfortunately, one of her favorite things to say right now is "no" and "I don't want it". She's definitely learning to show us that she has her free agency.
Here's Cambria reading her books before bed. Cambria is my sweet and caring little girl. She definitely is learning to whine and learning to ignore us when we request her help. She's probably tired of always helping everyone because it's so a part of her personality. Cambria is talking a lot these days and is constantly trying to have a conversation with us by asking us the questions "What are you doing now?" or "What happened?" and she always uses our names when she asks us those questions. It is so adorable! During church yesterday it was so cute because she was feeding Addison her Cheerios. Her generosity amazes me at her age.